Friday, August 10, 2012


Funniest. Pictures. Ever.

Sweet Emma

Notice the shin guards?!

For those of you adoptive mama's, did you watch the Olympics and route for China? I found myself in that boat this Olympic games.

I also found myself getting upset with the commentators reviews of the Chinese athletes. It seemed they couldn't do anything right - if they were good at diving it was b/c they were constantly forced to practice and kept away from their families. If they were good at Swimming, it was because of drugs. When the back up mens gymnastic had a bad day, they played it over and over again (hey, the guy was a backup, give him a break!).

Anyway, we have loved watching them the past two weeks.  Both Lexie and Emma have their favorite sports - gymnastics!

1 comment:

Tera said...

Love the pics and completely agree with rooting for China! :)