Tuesday, October 18, 2011


YEA!!!! Here is how it went down... :-)

I dropped an email last night to my social worker asking what the heck was going on with our LOA. When the phone rang at 9 am this morning and I saw it was our agency, I thought, oh she is calling us to tell us that everything is ok, we just have to wait some more. Well, when I heard matt repeat 'early morning package' and then he started to tear up, I knew we had good news!!!

It was dated 10/12...a week after Emma turned 1. Anyway, here is what it looks like, yea!!

I got the I800 form and the LOA (copy scanned and emailed by our wonderful SW) overnighted to USCIS by 10:30 am this morning!!

We are looking at January travel, yippe! Who doesn't love Beijing in January?! Looks like I need a trip to REI to get some walking boots for the great wall!!

We are coming for you Emma!! Hugs, Mommy & Daddy


Unknown said...


Tera said...

Yeah!!! I knew it had to be soon! Can't wait to follow your journey.

Martha Bonneau said...

it's about time it was your turn!!! Yay for already getting your I800 sent in :)

Kam said...

Wowza!!!!! We both got great news today! So, so happy for you!!! Can't wait to "watch" you go...especially since our kiddos are in the same place! I'm with you...wish we knew which village. But yippeee!!! You're going to China!

Cheri said...

Congratulations on another step down! Your girls are real cuties!

Deitra said...

All the best- Just saw this- so excited for you!!!!