Monday, December 19, 2011

Baby Emma

We were finally able to locate Emma's 'finding ad' this week.   I will not be sharing the entire ad with you but I did want to share her photo!! Given up until today we only had 2 photos of her, I figured you all would like to see the third photo we now have of Emma. It will most likely be the youngest photo we have of her. Isn't she absolutely adorable?!!!

How did we come across this photo you ask?! Well, a friend on a chat board suggested a Google search! We actually used the Chinese version of Google (Baidu) to do an 'image search' of her Chinese name (I can't believe I waited this long to try this technique!).  The result was a series of baby pictures that were all published along with Emma's in the same newspaper that week.  I narrowed it down to two babies that I thought could be Emma.   I wasn't for certain that this was her until I got an email this morning from a professional  - Brian Stuy - who included the entire finding ad, confirming photo #2 was Emma.

I did have a hunch it was initially her though.  A few reasons:

1) You can tell this is Emma because of her Mohawk hair here -- like her referral photo.  I just love it that she had a Mohawk as a baby (I say 'had' because she is now 15 mos and I am assuming has a full head of hair!!).

2)  Lexie had this same hair when she was born.  In fact, when Lexie was born she looked really similar to Emma.  I actually remember asking (in a post c section daze) if that was really my baby b/c she had such dark hair. I had expected a blond haired little girl. Anyway, here are the two sisters side by side.

3) When Matt saw the photo on Google he said - 'God that looks like me when I was a baby!'  His mom has shared pictures that confirm that as a baby he had this crazy dark hair too.

21 days from now I will be posting a picture (well, probably multiple pictures) of Matt and I holding a now 15 mos old Emma!!!


Pam said...

Beautiful! How lucky that you have a great picture of her as a newborn! Our finding add was so blurry that you could hardly see the picture!

Mortensen Family said...

What a tremendous blessing to have that photo. She is such a sweetie!

Saw your post on my blog and had to check out yours. We will have to watch out for one another in GZ. We will be there the whole time because our DD#2 is in Guangdong. Blessings, Colleen

Kam said...

How wonderful for you! She is lovely! I can't wait to watch you go!

Thanks so much for your words of encouragement on our blog. You're so kind.

Merry Christmas!

Christy said...

I am so happy for you!!! I am going to look now to see if we can locate Emerys finding ad. Since they are both from Kunming, I am praying we can find Emery's as well. She is precious and I am sooooooooo looking forward to following you journey as we will be just about 5 months behind you.

Congrats and what a treat to have that picture-- we have them from both our daughters and it is very special!

Christy :)

Tera said...

What a precious picture! She looks VERY young in it! I had tried Baidu a couple of weeks ago...any tips??